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Build Our Future

When it comes to the health of our city we have ignored the warning signs for too long. In order to return balance and get back to a thriving Ashland, we have to rebuild a healthy foundation.

Accountability Transparency Affordability Community Change

I am running to bring change to our disfunctioning City Council. We cannot continue to recklessly spend our citizen's tax dollars when there is another way. I am committed to ensuring that essential city services are not neglected in this process and will work for this community to build a strong future for Ashland.

If elected, I pledge.....

  • To be open to the views of everyone, not to be a part of any faction and not to give special interests an open door.

  • To listen carefully to the views of my colleagues and treat them respectfully before making an independent judgement on the issues before us. 

  • To work tirelessly to form partnerships with public, private, and non-profit institutions to create well-paying jobs, build housing that is affordable for existing Ashlanders, and to attract others to move to Ashland so we can build an inclusive, thriving community.

  • To support efforts to bring our city budget into balance while providing essential services. I will ask the hard questions, propose ideas for solutions, and proactively move to the make the changes necessary. 

  • To build new economies alongside our existing ones while addressing the risks of climate change.

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